A Day At The Armory With Carole Feuerman / by Carole Feuerman

by Kelsey Zalimeni

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I have had the immense pleasure of knowing Carole for two years now, and am lucky to call her my mentor. It's not often that we get to see one another, as I am still in college and she remains busy with her artistic career. With that, any time we spend together is nothing less than special. I was thrilled when our visit this weekend turned from an update at her studio to a full day at the Armory Show together. 

We began at Pier 94, perusing the booths and searching for standouts.  Carole was looking to add to her own collection, so we made sure to see all that the show had to offer. Pier 94 featured established contemporary galleries and their artists from all over the world; the Armory Focus: China was particularly interesting to see. Carole was quite taken with a large-scale Giovanni Ozzola photograph at the Galleria Continua booth (below)

She also favored a vibrant violet wall piece at the Pearl Lam booth, pure pigment on aluminum by British artist Jason Martin.

We made our way up the stairs which connected to Pier 92, the modern art section of the show.  There we spent time at the Marlborough Gallery booth, admiring many of their selections.  Carole particularly liked the Juan Genoves beach scene, a textured aerial view of people on the sand.

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On our way out, Carole ran into her good friend Tim Yarger, of Timothy Yarger Fine Art in Los Angeles. Tim's gallery represents Carole out on the West Coast, and she was kind enough to introduce me to him as well.  Just before leaving the piers for another show, we took in one final photograph by Andreas Gursky- a rather minimal Prada shoe display.

We grabbed a taxi and headed for Volta NY, a show whose booths each exhibit the works of a single emerging artist. Carole spent most of her time at the Pablo's Birthday booth, deciding between a few Henrik Eiben paintings for purchase.  She came away with three great pieces to add to her growing art collection. 

After all of the excitement, Carole and I were both exhausted- it came time to part ways and head on home.  We hugged as I thanked her for such a special day at the Armory, saying goodbye until next time.