video art

A New Dimension by Carole Feuerman

by Kelsey Zalimeni

Carole Feuerman's current work incorporates digital interactive moving heat sensitive media and sound with her painted resin swimmers. This has taken her art to an entirely different level.  By projecting video and combining multi media, Carole has managed to turn what would normally be a mere viewing of the piece into a wholly immersive and interactive experience. 

Brooke’s Play, 2010-2011   Oil on Resin, Interactive Projection, Dimensions Variable, Collection of the artist*Click the title of each piece in the caption to view a video of the installation

Brooke’s Play, 2010-2011   

Oil on Resin, Interactive Projection, Dimensions Variable, Collection of the artist

*Click the title of each piece in the caption to view a video of the installation

The projection not only alters the look of the sculpture, but actually swallows it whole to make it part of the video. Inseparable, the sculpture and video unite on a plane just between their respective medium categories. 

Tree with Leaves, 2011Oil on Resin Sculpture with Interactive Projection, Dimensions Variable, Courtesy of Jim Kempner Fine Art

Tree with Leaves, 2011

Oil on Resin Sculpture with Interactive Projection, Dimensions Variable, Courtesy of Jim Kempner Fine Art

This hybrid breed of artwork also serves to convert the exhibition space.  What would normally be regarded as 'the room in which the sculpture resides' is now an environment which takes you to a new dimension.  The surrounding darkness disallows the viewer's effort to locate themselves in the space; the artwork as your focal point becomes the only locus available for spatial relation.

Birth/Geyser, 2013Oil on Resin and Interactive Video Projection, a collaboration between Carole A. Feuerman & Michelangelo Bastiani, Dimensions Variable. Courtesy of Jim Kempner Fine Art

Birth/Geyser, 2013

Oil on Resin and Interactive Video Projection, a collaboration between Carole A. Feuerman & Michelangelo Bastiani, Dimensions Variable. Courtesy of Jim Kempner Fine Art